March 2020
Open Education Links #16
This review is different from the previous ones. Coronavirus rapidly changes our understanding of community, solidarity and finally the power of open education. So from now one I would like to share with you links to articles not only related to open education, open education resources but also to materials which I believe can help us as deal with this new reality. The slogans, “Cooperation can change everything” and “when we share, everyone wins” applies now more than ever. /Karolina
- “It’s flexibility, not perfection, that builds long-term resistance. As educators and teachers we are used to the rapidly changing world, as a professional group we excel in adaptation. With this resource, it’s worth looking for what else we can do for ourselves, our families, and for the people, we teach (regardless of their age)” – a great read with practice tips from Anna Kuliberda. Anna is a Polish coach, trainer and
facilitator supporting individuals and organizations on being creative, innovative and communicate better. - “We’re only asking people to commit to working 50 percent of their normal hours. This isn’t a holiday. If people are able to work more normal hours, our mission needs them. But we are not tracking their time” – this is a quote from public email Katherine Maher (the CEO of the Wikimedia Foundation) to her colleagues. It is worth reading because it is a great and inspirational example of crisis management communication.
- An important Creative Commons publication about open access:
“All publicly funded organizations should: 1) Adopt open access policies that require publicly funded research to be made available under an open license (e.g. CC BY 4.0) or dedicated to the public domain. In practice, this means research articles and data can be freely reused by others, thereby enhancing collaboration among scientists and accelerating the pace of discovery. 2) Ensure all educational resources (such as videos, infographics and other media tools) are also openly licensed to facilitate dissemination of reliable, practical information to the public”. More to read here. - Open education is more than education online. Because open education is not only about online resources but also about creation and cooperation. And it that is so important that this dimension of open education has been highlighted in UNESCO OER Recommendations: “Innovative pedagogical options to engage both educatores and learners to become more active participants in edcuational process and creators of content as member of an inclusive knowledge society”. I think that is important to keep it in mind when we are facing the challenges of education online.
- And what about AI? “With 850 million children worldwide shut out of schools, tech evangelists claim now is the time for AI education. But as the technology’s power grows, so too do the dangers that come with it”. Can computers ever replace the classroom?