Open Education links from around the world #1
The OE Global Conference organized by Open Education Consortium will take place in Milan, Italy, 26 – 28 November, 2019. The conference is devoted exclusively to open education, attracting researchers, practitioners, policy makers, educators and students from more than 35 countries to discuss and explore how Open Education advances educational practices around the world. The theme of the Conference is Open Education for an Open Future – Resources, Practices, Communities. Proposal submissions due: 1 May 2019.
The webinar series on Open Pedagogy – Open Education Consortium and the State University of New York have teamed up to offer series of webinars (from February 20 to April 30) which mainly seek to: highlight examples of open pedagogy practices that may be replicated; facilitate and support a community of practice for Open Pedagogy
The agenda is available here.
Did you know that eCampusOntario Open Library provides educators and learners with access to more than 250 free and openly-licensed textbooks? The library is now integrated with publishing infrastructure, allowing easy creation or adaption of OER, version tracking, cloning support and interactive content.
The Open Education Week (March 4-8) is approaching! OE Week is a celebration of the global Open Education Movement – gives us an annual opportunity to show the world what’s happening with open education. The list of all events is available here:
- The 2nd Global Open Education Web Conference
- Critical thinking with Europeana webinar: the use of primary sources as an effective technique to spot fake news
- The story of the Open University in Europe and the world
- Ongoing initiatives for Open Education in Europe