Contact to experts:

Plamena Popova
Plamena is a copyright and IP researcher with focus on open knowledge issues, working with Digital Republic.

Teresa Trencheva
Teresa is a assoc. Prof. at University of Library Studies and IT, leading the University Youth Knowledge Academy
Other recommended websites:
Currently, the coalition is in a process of developing, having been joined from NGOs, an University, and other interested parties. We expect in the next months to attract further participants, both organizations and individual members.
- Mission of the coalition: to promote open educational resources and practices and open access to knowledge
- Objectives: to advocate for the successful adoption of a national Open Access policy; to raise awareness about OER and Open Access; to participate in the copyright reform in EU with focus on education and copyright related issues; to advocate in relation to Marrakesh Treaty’ implementation
Focus of activities:
- The current focus of the activities of the coalition are pointed in the upcoming legislative measures related to Copyright Reform in EU, as well to the Marrakesh Treaty and relevant Directive and Regulation, expected to enter into force as of October 11, 2018;
- The other major focus of the current activities is on the national policy on Open Access (expected in 2018)
Policy context of OER/Open Access on national level:
- Currently there is a working process within the Ministry of Education, on national policy for Open Access. It is expected that the policy shall be adopted in the course of 2018.