Contact to experts:

Aleksandra Czetwertyńska – chairman
Polish language and culture specialist, cultural activity organizer, trainer, active participant in education and the NGO environment. She has coordinated projects involving film education (Filmoteka Szkolna. Akcja!), reading education (Miłosz OdNowa) and cultural education (Sztuka Zaangażowana). At Centrum Cyfrowe she is responsible for the “SpołEd” Open Education Cooperative and introducing openness to schools and among teachers. She does workshops and training sessions on open resources and using new technologies in schools. She is a graduate of the Faculty of Polish Studies at the University of Warsaw.
Information about the coalition:
- 37 members, including NGOs, universities, and national and regional cultural institutions.
- Three working groups on Open Education, Open Science and open access, Open GLAM (galleries, libraries, archives, and museums).
- Defined goals:
- The goal of KOED is to build, promote and conduct activism in support of Open Educational Resources. The Coalition is responsible for shaping and promoting open education in Poland.
- Key policy goal is the introduction of an open licensing policy for all publicly-funded educational resources.
Focus of activities:
- Currently, after the change of government in 2015, we are focusing our policy work on rebuilding relations with key government institutions and making sure they keep the commitment to support OERs.
- OER policy work will continue with advocacy around the new OER program and the Educational Network. Our overarching goal is to promote legislative change that will introduce open licensing of all public educational resources.
- Ongoing networking and capacity building work within the Coalition, with the focus on an annual conference of Coalition members.
Update on national OER activities:
- In 2015, the open e-textbooks program was launched by the government. The program includes an online, state-of-the-art platform with 60+ modular textbooks for K12 education, covering the whole core curriculum.
- For the last several years, a range of public grant programs in the fields of education, culture and heritage, and developmental aid, have been introducing open licensing requirements. The Coalition has involved in designing and implementing these policies.
- In 2015, an open licensing requirement was introduced into European Social Fund (ESF) funding, a major source of funding for educational projects through 2020, with a budget of over €40 billion. Any educational resources created with ESF funding will be made available as OER.
- In 2016, the government adopted a progressive Open Data strategy, implemented by the Ministry of Digital Affairs.In 2017, the government will develop a new set of open resources, focused on vocational training and foreign language teaching.