Contact to experts:

Jan Gondol

Richard Bednarik

Zuzana Adamova

Other recommended websites:

Websites and Facebook of Czech Alliance for Open Education


Members of the coalition are: As of early 2017, there are a dozen members of the coalition, including Creative Commons, Wikimedia, educators, academics and other interested individuals

Defined goals:

  • The aim of the alliance is to be a communication platform on the subject of open education in Slovakia and be the voice that brings the theme of open education in public space.
  • The Alliance strives to promote open education both among educators and policy makers

Focus of activities:

  • The Coalition has been actively promoting open education within the Open Government Partnership. In just two years, more than 10 percent of OGP countries have adopted commitments to open education
  • The main focus is on ongoing work with educators and policy makers, international cooperation (esp. with other Open Government Partnership countries).

Policy context of OER on national level:

  • OER and Open Access is now part of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) National Action Plan of Slovakia. Goals include reforms of procurement processes for educational resources (which should become openly licensed), promoting open access and open licensing for content financed from public funds.