About our project
What our project is about?
We are building a network of organizations and experts that will support the development and implementation of Open Educational Resources (OER) policies in Europe. While our focus is on cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe, we hope to build ties with partners in other parts of Europe. Our core partners are based in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Romania.
We believe that regional cooperation and a strong, shared voice will lead to the adoption of OER policies in European states and strengthen the open education ecosystem.
We want to form a group of experts and activists working both in their respective countries, and together at regional and international level. Our aim is to provide mutual support, enable exchange of knowledge and experiences, and develop shared projects.
Open Education Policy Network supports policy work and advocacy across Europe.

Name of coalition: OpeningupSlovenia
Leading organization: Jozef Stefan Institute

Leading organizations: Digital Republic Bulgaria, Creative Commons Bulgaria, University of Library Studies and IT
Name of coalition: Koalicja Otwartej Edukacji – KOED
Leading organization: Centrum Cyfrowe, Modern Poland Foundation

Czech Republic
Name of coalition: Alliance for Open Education
Leading organization: EDUin

Name of Coalition:
Alliance for Open Education in Slovakia
Leading organization:
Trnava University (Creative Commons Slovakia)

Name of coalition: Coalitia RED Romania
Leading organizations: Center for Public Innovation, Association for Technology and Internet
We will do this through:
- working together with our partners on strategic plans to boost open education policy impact in the region;
- running advocacy work at the European and global level, in particular by participating (and supporting our partners’ participation) in important events and conferences dedicated to open education;
- hosting policy-centered events such as the yearly OER Policy Forum and support our partners in organizing events at national level;
- stimulating exchange of knowledge and best practices regarding open education policies i.e. by building a Knowledge Base where selected publications and toolkits on OER policy and supporting activities will be available for everyone;
- developing with our partners a collaborative program of activities for Open Education Week.
- We work together with our partners on strategic plans to boost open education policy impact in the region.
- We run advocacy work at the European and global level by participating (and supporting our partners’ participation) in important events and conferences dedicated to open education. We host policy-centered events such as OER Policy Forum and support our partners in activities regarding regional and local OER policy work and in organizing national events i.e. in the framework of Open Education Week.
- Read more about the 2nd edition of our OER Policy Forum (June 2017)
- We stimulate exchange of knowledge and best practices regarding open education policies i.e. by building a Knowledge Base where selected publications and toolkits on OER policy and supporting activities are available for everyone to provide a substantive resource pool for the region.
What do we want to achieve?
- mainstreaming of OER in the region through policy adoption
- building strong national advocacy networks that support OER policies
- strengthening European cooperation on open education and related policies
How do we want to achieve this?
We are building an advocacy network on the basis of national Open Education coalitions that are active in our region. We want to connect activists, policy experts, government officials and educational leaders by creating a community of knowledge, where members mutually support each other in their work.